
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We're Finally in Pakistan: the Capital of Romance... isn't it?

Well, we're finally here. In Pakistan.

36 hours on a plane.

When Sam used to complain about the flight, I'd to say things to him like: "You should consider yourself lucky. 36 hours, all to yourself, no pressure to exercise, no screaming kids. It's like the perfect way to spend 36 hours, while I'm at home taking care of the kids. By myself."

Wanna know what I think now?
I was totally right! Once we were on Singapore airlines, it was like a party in the sky. Of course, that may have been because of the... um... anti-anxiety medications I took. I won't tell you the exact name of the pill, but it rhymes with "shmalium."

I thought it would be safer for everyone concerned if I took shmalium, as opposed to me doing one of the following:

1. Spontaneously combusting

2. Shaking uncontrollably

3. Jumping out the window

My favorite thing said to me on the trip so far: (Spoken by the Pakistani-American guy from L.A. who was going home to visit family):

"Isn't it cool? Within a mere few hours, you leave the safest country in the world and arrive at the most dangerous." He also mentioned how Pakistan gets a raw deal in the media, and I believe he is right.

He also was traveling with an American friend who had never been to Pakistan. The friend decided to grow a beard before the trip to better blend in. So bearing that in mind, I have decided that the entire time I'm here, I'm not shaving. Not even my sideburns. In no time, I will blend right in as well.

Upon exiting the airport, we found ourselves among a throng of hundreds of Pakistani's, many (if not most) in traditional garb. I felt very very blond.
I didn't get a chance to take pictures, because the last thing I wanted to do is look very very blond and look like a tourist too. So I will get pics today and tomorrow to post.

I woke up this morning to Sam asking me this question: "Holy cow, Bro. Do you wanna see the awesomest toenail ever?"

No matter the country, some things never change.


  1. Ha ha! Awesome! Feeling too blond sounds like a perfect excuse for many days of pony tails! And hats. =]

    If you stop shaving, I will too. I'll have a 'stache in about 3 days.

  2. Mel- Perfect. With your 'stache and my sideburns, we'll be a lovely pair!

  3. thank goodness for schmalium....glad you are there safe and sound--can't wait to "see" it all thru. your eyes!!!
    take care blondie!

  4. I'm so stupid. I can't figure out the shmalaium for the life of me. I'm going to google it.

  5. Dorien- Will do!

    Shell- lol. I'll give you a hint. Um... Valium.

  6. Brodie!! How very cool! What are you doing over there? I am so with you on the "relaxation medication"! I would have needed that big time. Please continue to write about your travels. I would love to read what is going on. My husband will be extremley jealous. Be safe!!
    Julie Niedert Williams

  7. Hey Julie! Good to hear from you! My husband Sam goes to Pakistan for work, so I decided to tag along this time. I will definitely blog about everything we see!

    Hope all is well with you and your family- and thanks for commenting!

  8. I'm glad you made it there safe and sound. Enjoy the trip and be safe!

  9. Hey . . . valium. Why didn't I think of that like TEN years ago? Do you have flight anxiety or Pakistan anxiety or just "sitting-in-one-place-for-36-hours-makes-me-suicical" anxiety?

    So cool you are there! I like the photo and will be watching for more.

  10. Una- thank you!

    Kim- options a and c. (plane, and claustrophobia.)

    Funny that Pakistan itself doesn't factor into the anxiety, huh?

  11. I'm just glad you made it!! And BTW, we are expecting you to hang out with us on the 28th if you are not too jet-lagged.

  12. Love it! Thanks for always making me laugh :)

  13. Valynne- yeah, jet lag sucks. We are exactly 12 hours ahead, and yesterday I felt like I had the flu or something. It was just jet lag.

    Cam- right back at you, chica
