
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kid B Reinvents the Game of Soccer. We're still Working out the Glitches.

So, It's that time of year. Kid B's soccer season has begun again. 

Remember his first game last year?

I think this year we've improved. Check it out:

Did you see him? How about now?

Yep. Kid B's coach told him to "play forward" and Kid B thought he said, "play dead." Common mistake. Could happen to anyone. 

My favorite part of his soccer games is the strange looks he gets:
 The other coach is all, "Is he okay?"

The little girl's all, "Whaaaaa?"

The thing is, neither of them understands Kid B's strategy. He's a road block. Can you imagine if someone is dribbling the ball down the field, and happens to slam into Kid B's blockade? (It's a big field, so there's maybe a 1 in 500 chance it could happen). 

But if it does happen, it would be... maaaaaayhemmmmmmmm! (Said in a monster truck rally voice).

I'm still holding out hope for a soccer scholarship. Hey, if I can get a book deal, he can totally get paid to play soccer.


  1. Sounds like a good plan, Brodi. I'm sure soccer scouts everywhere are on the lookout for a player with a fresh and surprising approach to the game. He could be the next Beckham!

  2. Una- Technically, he is the next Beckham. Or at least, one of the next Beckhams. (You did know his real name is Beckham, right?)

  3. Frankly, I like Kid B's strategy. Play dead works wonders in dangerous or challenging situations. He's really smart to have thought of it at such a young age!

  4. He's like the explosion in a spy movie--the diversion. That way the coach can really get around the opposition!

  5. It seems like what he's doing doesn't make sense, but in reality his strategy is light years ahead of ours!

  6. Good thinking! The girls on my daughters team spin in circles and pick grass. The road to success my friend.

  7. Jenni- You're right. Maybe he's just practicing for his first encounter with a bear.

    Eden- Let's hope he doesn't try for an actual explosion.

    Lulabell- At least that's what I keep telling myself...

    Debbie- True. He's not wasting any energy running in circles. Baby steps.

  8. there is absolutely nothing wrong with his strategy brodi--IF (and that's a BIG "if") i were to play soccer, i would TOTALLY copy his moves!

  9. We do have to remember though, Kid B did kick an awesome goal last week (on purpose, it was a dribble and then a beautiful kick for a goal) he is still in the celebration mode.

  10. Dorien- If that counted as playing soccer, I would totally play soccer too!

    Sam- that was totally going to be my next blog post!

  11. You make me laugh. Love the tactic. Seriously - I think it's awesome that he has his own groove. I'd hold out for that soccer scholarship. But just for the record, your book deal is no surprise. Everyone is so pumped for you!

  12. I love the arrows. ;) I'm all for kid B's plan. If the groundskeepers didn't mow the lawn for a while, he'd totally be a lion in the plains.

  13. Thanks, Cath!

    L.T.- You're totally right. He's frakkin brilliant!

  14. this looks like my daughter 2 years ago - she's on her feet now :)

  15. Shelli- You guys play it on your feet? What kind of soccer are you playing? :)

    Thanks for the comment!

  16. book deal! so so happy and not one bit surprised.

    and your little soccer guy made my day. someday i'll tell you about joe hitting the ball and then rounding the bases at the next door diamond. everyone was like, "what the ......" xox
