Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Seven Steps to Stretching, Presented by Kid B

Hey y'all! 

A quick note for anyone in the Cedar City area: I will be teaching a writing workshop with Emily Wing Smith and Lindsey Leavitt on September 15th. And I'll be signing that night. Details here.

Side note: This post has lots of pictures of kids. So if you don't like kids, you can skip it.

Side note to the side note: WHY DON'T YOU LIKE CHILDREN??

So, today, one of my friends was all, "Hey! You're not blogging as much as you used to!"

And I was all, "No! I'm not! I'm blogging once a week."

I don't know why I put the above information in conversation form. You probably think I have the world's most boring conversations, and why in the world would I want to recount the above one in a blog? 

But, in case you didn't get the subtle undertones of the aforementioned (really Brodi? "aforementioned"? In a blog post?) conversation, I am blogging once a week. Because I had a choice: I could either cut back on blogging, or cut back on writing books and stuff. And as much as editor Kristin likes my blog, I think she likes my books better. 

Anywho, onto the blog. Last weekend, Kid C decided to run two 5K's in two days, in two separate cities. 

The first one was in Eagle Mountain, and the proceeds of the race went to raise money for autism awareness. He dedicated his race to Kid B. Here are the two of them before the race, fueling up on blue snow cones. 

Kid C ran hard, and took first in his age group, twelfth over all.

Kid B decided running looked really easy. So he took off. In no particular direction. 

That night, we tried to get as much sleep as possible, because the next morning we left at 6:30 a.m. to drive to Huntsville for his second 5k. 

While Kid C was warming up, Kid B decided he needed to stretch too. Here is the series of stretches he did. You are welcome to try this at home. 

Step #1: Open yourself up to the inspiration for stretches

Step #2: stretch those glutes.

Step #3: ?????

Step #4: Clap your hands above your head

Step #5: Who wants to win? I do!

Step #6: Collapse on the ground

Step #7: Win the race!

He's making a video detailing the stretches. It will be available for purchase soon. Kid C must've studied his moves, because he took third place in his age group. 

Do you ever have one of those weekends where you think your kids are actually cute? This was that kind of weekend. 

Um... look how happy they are to be standing next to each other. Taking another picture. So so happy. 


  1. All you Utah people are lucky, I live in Missouri, no one comes here -_-

  2. I'm signed up for your workshop! I don't live in Cedar City, but my sister does and it's a good excuse to go see her new baby without the kids. :)

    And congratulations to Kid C on his races! Good for him.

  3. Next, you need to schedule a workshop closer to ME!

    You do have cute kids. They're so lucky to have you. :)

  4. How fun! And, that's awesome that Kid C did so well! I can't even run a 5K. :)

  5. I love it! And 2 5Ks in two days. What a brother!

  6. That's not stretching...Kid B is copying some of my awesome dance moves!
