Translation: I will rip open my insides, and, organ by organ, lay them out on the table for all of my faithful readers.
Ummm... Translation of the translation: I present to you in Technicolor: the humiliating dumpings of Brodi Ashton. (No- not THAT kind. The rip your heart out, gut wrenching, teenage angst kind).
In the interest of time and space, I will pick the top four. (I’ve been dumped so many times, this inter-web thingee is not big enough for every one of them).
1. TITLED: I “totally and completely F**K*D up someone’s life” dump.
To protect the innocent, I have changed Dave’s name to Bob. (Just kidding Dave.)
Setting: 9th grade. I thought Bob and I were “just friends.” Like, all year long.
Then Ben Ballou and Jason Stock (of the dismembered Bambi fame) decided to thwart Bob’s graduation plans, and ask me to graduation. (Interjection here: is it really “graduation?” 9th grade to high school?)
So, I went with Jason Stock, and we danced on his back patio to the gentle musical offerings of Kenny G.
Then, Bob called me. And the phone call was infamous.
Well, I was totally shocked. I had made someone use the F-word, in reference to me. Only adults, in rated “R” movies said that word. Not 15 year old boys, right?
All my mom said to console me was: “That’s my girl.”
2. TITLED: The “I’ll show him- I’ll crash my car in front of his high school while I’m spying on him. Then he’ll be sorry” Dump.
Setting: Junior year, high school.
So, I dated this hot guy (we’ll call him Bobby) from another school. Then one night, he says, “This isn’t working. And by the way, I’m seeing someone else.”
So, my BFF Sheree and I decide the best way to win Bobby back is to spy on him outside his high school. (Fool proof, right?)
Directly in front of his high school (which will remain nameless), as every Titan in the school is exiting, as I’m straining my neck to spy on said ex-boyfriend, I crash head-on into a car in the turn lane. Totally totaled my Bronco II. Glass shattered everywhere.
Had no answer to the recurring question: “You go to Skyline. What were you doing in front of Olympus?”
ADDING INSULT TO INJURY: We always referred to the other woman as his “transitional fling”. He’s still with her today. Yeah, that one smarts.
3. TITLED: The “Wow, boys really DO cheat when they spend Spring Break in Meh-Hee-Coh. It’s not just a lie spread by the evil suits at MTV.”
Ah, Brian. I mean Bob.
Setting: College. Las Vegas Boulevard. New Year's Eve. Midnight.
We met on the Vegas Strip, New Year's Eve. At midnight. I know what you’re thinking: Considering the meeting place, how could it NOT work out?
It should have remained a fling.
We were in love, for like, two whole months. Then he goes to Mexico with his friends for Spring Break.
Next thing you know, I’m getting “the phone call.” You know, the one where: boy goes to Mexico, boy acts like a bung-hole, boy begs forgiveness.
What would you do? Would you forgive? Well, let me answer that question by saying: “Brian” is actually Sam, and we’ve been married for ten years.
TOTALLY KIDDING!! Of course I kicked Brian’s fat head to the curb!!! Never to speak to him again!!!!! (Except when my sister Erin and I followed the Ute basketball team to the Mountain West Conference Championship tournament in Vegas, and we needed a place to stay, and Brian – I mean Bob – lived there… Then I resumed communication, for the weekend. By Monday, I was back to being mad.)
4. TITLED: The “I didn’t know we were in a relationship, and suddenly I’m being dumped.”
I’ll save this story for a rainy day. But here’s a teaser: It involves current husband Sam, a love triangle with Bob and Betty, and an automatic bread-maker.
Yes, I get dumped even by people I'm not dating. Now, that's pathetic.
Feel free to share your dumpings with the class. Love you all. Hope you don’t dump me. It’s okay if you do. I’m used to it.
Wanna know the best way to cure those dumping blues? Watching Rafa this afternoon on ESPN 2. He's never dumped me. Ever.

P.S. Utes rocked the Cougs last night. Also another great way to recover from being dumped. Go Utes!
Um, wow. The eff word! I'm not-so-secretly wondering which Dave it was???
ReplyDeleteUmmm... Dave Smith-Johnson. Remember him? :)
I think the entire post was just a way to get in more pics of Nadal. Well, you did it. Congrats.
ReplyDeleteAnd yay for Utah!
My favorite "dumping" was from Doug Smith while I was on my mission...didn't have the guts to "Dear Jane" me so he broke up with me through Brodi. I can't remember the details of how I got dumped, so every now and then when I want a good laugh, I'll call up Bro and ask her to retell the dumping-of-my-boyfriend-while-I-was-on-my-mission-story. She tells it so great that I always feel betting about the dumping.
ReplyDeleteErin- I think Doug dumped you (by proxy through me) the same day I was dumped by my actual boyfriend at the time. Yeah, that was a good day on the University of Utah campus...
ReplyDeleteAll I want to say to Doug is:
aw man, dumping stories are the worst, i have lots -- too many to muck up your blog with!
ReplyDeleteMaybe I shouldn't still be friends will all the girls who dumped me. Is it possible they weren't serious when they said, "I just want us to be friends"? Go Utes!
ReplyDeleteI though it really was just them and not me. How could it be me?
ReplyDeleteTrust your instincts. It really was "them" not "you." And I have a bridge to sell you.
Do share!
Well, since I got in trouble for not commenting on your blog. . . (but am an official "follower" so that should count for something. . . James dumped me once because he thought he was holding me back from getting an internship in D.C. Thank goodness a wise bishop told him he was an idiot.
ReplyDeleteI think your post is quite nice and it can give inspiration to other people also. I know that it is quite sad but let's think in a positive way that it is nice. You will have better partner that is why you are dumped.