Mood Status: Still in the crapper, but benefiting from the subtle warmth of the promise of Spring. (I know. First half of the sentence, gross. Second half, poetic, right?)
Writing ability status: I have a marathon writing day planned for this weekend, and Sam asked me if I was ready.
I answered by saying this: "Yes. The characters in my head have finally started talking to each other again, so I actually have stuff to write. Wooo Hooo!"
Sam says (with hesitant forced laughter): "Hehe... That's great. I'm so relieved you have voices in your head again."
me: "I know, right?"

I don’t feel comfortable giving the name of the new alliance, since I don’t want y’all to think I’m a closet serial killer, but I will tell you the words in the name, and you can unscramble as you wish:
1. War
2. Killers
3. Evil
4. Greatest
5. Of
6. Lords
So, Great, huh? I’m safe now, right? You would think.
The first message the alliance sent me was: “Welcome. And BTW, we’re all under attack from IB.”
The message might as well have read: “Welcome, and I hope you’ve bought your plot and alerted your next of kin, cuz you’re gonna die, and soon.”
IB is, like, the absolute scariest alliance. The “I” stands for “Irrational”, and I can’t tell you what the “B” stands for, since we have younger readers.
So, to put it in perspective, imagine fighting tribal villages for a small piece of land in Africa, only to discover the U.S. is about to nuke all of us, and we have nothing to defend ourselves but rocks and logies.
My villagers are doomed.
I love your blog, but you talk about Travian so much, I think you need to get a life! I hope the voices in your head are actually giving you good advice.
ReplyDeleteIn short, could you tone down the crazy a bit?
hugs and kisses...
Very perceptive, Ms. Anonymous...
ReplyDeleteOkay, okay, I admit it. The above comment was from me.
I'm crackin' myself up this morning.
I loved the comic..."anyway, I guess I should be going." Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteNo comment on you anonymously commenting on yourself.
I am not even going to ask on where I stand on your priority list compared with Travian.
i am glad i am not the only one who makes themselves laugh....
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER i do NOT self five...
I've been thinking about joining Travian because myFarm game on facebook isn't giving me jollies anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to go google it right now and see if I can set up an acct.
wait where do I choose my world? which server are you on?
ReplyDeleteYay Shellie! I'm on server 5, in the South West quadrant.
ReplyDeleteBut, just so you know, it's addicting. If I could have quit a couple weeks ago, I would have.
If you don't join on this server, (apparently the game will be over in a few months) then we can both join up on the next server.
Addiction is always better with a friend!